Our Environmental Policy

 |  Our Environmental Policy


Uphold all mandatory requirements ( MARPOL ,local regulations, quality , quantity, timing, etc.).
Act in line with safe working practices throughout all bunkering and industrial operations.
Create a framework for defining and reviewing all environmental objectives and targets.
Establish safeguards against all identified risks (risk assessment and risk management).
Train and prepare for emergency situations.
Continually improve the personal and professional skills of all staff members. Encourage PEARL ENERGY's employees, customers and suppliers to promote sustainable consumption and policies.
Monitor and reduce energy, water, chemical and fuel consumption PEARL ENERGY yard ,Truck and in the main offices. Accordingly, economical LED bulbs are installed, in addition to smart systems that shut off lights and air conditioning when not in use. Increase recycling of water and reuse of treated wastewater.
Continue monitoring and reporting the trucks and diesel engine CO2, SOx&NOx emissions. Encourage our suppliers to achieve and maintain high standards of sustainability, environmental protection, labor, human rights, training, and ethics. helping to minimize the customer’s environmental impact PEARL ENERGY’S safety and environmental protection policies are communicated to all company employees.
Quality and quantity is maintained on all products according to its spec

PEARL ENERGY complies with the following safety and environmental regulations:

MARPOL – Prevention of Pollution from Ships
CIVEL DEFENCE - certify under DCD
HOSE CERTIFICATE- strong and prevent spilling
SCOPE- action during spill etc..
SAFTY CHECK LIST – checking the environmental condition etc..

All operation team are equipped with active protective measures to minimize spilling , as well as dust masks when required.

Our bunker management practice covers environmental aspects related to:

Waste, hazardous material, and chemical management (solids, liquids), in order to reduce usage to a minimum.
oil spill
Refrigerant gases (A/C, Reefers)
Fuel consumption
Cleaning materials (eco-friendly)
Wastewater management
Monitoring each and every step involved in bunkering and taking wanted care
Daily monitoring of our product (MGO/IFO) which prevent not damaging the product and Preventing Mixing


Sludge: Sludge is collected in a dedicated tank to be discharged an removed from the tank.
Garbage: Garbage is separated into components such as plastics, paper, and food waste. Incineration of permitted components is performed. The ash is then delivered to facilities together with plastics and other waste.
We also use recycled paper for printing. All waste paper and batteries are sent for recycling. Similar policies are in place for our other main offices. Working processes for waste reduction have been implemented on our trucks and in our office.
Air Pollution Emission Control & Increasing Fuel Efficiency and the Use of Eco-Friendly Services and Equipment which reduce fuel consumption, and minimize air emissions and reduce its fuel consumption and air emissions.
Since March 2018, PEARL ENERGY is voluntarily and gradually replacing its global car fleet by eco-friendly hybrid or electric models. PEARL ENERGY continues to lead the way in advanced green initiatives. Adopting an eco-friendly car fleet is the natural next step in our commitment to reducing emissions and promoting sustainable solutions throughout all our areas of activity. Protecting the environment for future generations has always been an integral part of PEARL ENERGY's vision."

Bunkering procedure and safe environment

Our team attend various kind of workshop to create safe bunkering to the vessel and other places. Every thing is guard and controlled by our management to provide unbroken deliver of the product. Quality and quantity is checked two time before loading and after loading. Pearl energy strictly follow rules and regulation in bunkering. Pearl energy always takes care and follows the rules regarding carrying hazardous goods. All operation team is trained and equipped with civil defence id. And goes under examination yearly.
